The Benefits of Pilates
Pilates is not only a form of exercise, it also offers a different way of understanding the body and how it moves. Pilates can really make a difference in your health and in your body.
A refreshing mind-body workout…
By emphasizing breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you become in tune with your body.
In Pilates the quality of movement is more important than the quantity of repetitions. Correct breathing is essential, and helps you execute movements with maximum power and efficiency, learning to breathe properly can reduce stress.
Pilates exercises will help you develop a strong “core,” or center of the body. The core consists of the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spine.
It’s gentle…
Many of the exercises are performed lying on a mat, and most are low impact and partially weight bearing. Pilates is so safe, it is used in physical therapy facilities to rehabilitate injuries.
But it’s also challenging…
Pilates is also an extremely flexible exercise system. Modifications to the exercises allow for a range of difficulty from beginners to advanced.
Improves your posture…
Poor posture forms as a result of bad habit such as slouching at your desk and chair, which can eventually cause backache, neck ache, headache, etc. The bad habits will result in asymmetrical muscle development, where some muscles are weaker than others. Pilates can help to strengthen those underdeveloped muscles and get rid of bad posture.
Places no pressure on your knees and joints…
Since Pilates consists of slow and controlled movement, there is minimal impact on your joints, so it’s ideal for those who cannot (or do not want to) take part in high-impact sports and exercises.
Pilates is for everyone…
It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, fit or out of shape, flexible or not, Pilates is one of a handful of exercises which can benefit everyone.
Encourages you to improve your focus and concentration…
Pilates helps to create a body & mind relationship, where concentration, focus and meditation come together to help boost your mental health. An important part of Pilates is that it pushes you to focus on your body, breathing and how they all work and move together. It is with focus and concentration that you are more likely to benefit from the exercise.
Improves your sports performance…
Many sportsmen and women find that their bodies are misaligned due to the one-sided nature of certain sports e.g. swinging a tennis racquet or golf clubs. As Pilates helps to balance your body, develop muscular symmetry and align your posture, sportsmen and women find that Pilates can help to reduce the likelihood of injuries.
Pilates creates long, lean muscles and flexibility…
More conventional or traditional workouts are weight bearing and tend to build short, bulky muscles – the type most prone to injury. Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured. Flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed.
It was Joseph Pilates who said: “true flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed.”
So rather than saying you can’t do Pilates because you are not flexible enough, you should actually participate in Pilates exercises to improve your flexibility.
Pilates is for life and can be life-changing