Keeping those New Year’s Resolutions!
2018 is nearly upon us, and it’s that time of year again where everyone in the back of their mind is considering what their New Year’s resolution might be.
Unsurprisingly, some of the most common New Year’s resolutions are health and fitness orientated. The likes of “I want to get fitter”, or “I want to lose weight”, are two of the most popular.
However, a survey by Forbes Magazine two years ago found that only 8% of people actually achieve their chosen resolution. This is an extremely low figure. With that in mind, it’s worth assessing why people might fail.
Well, when it comes to goals that are health or fitness related, it’s usually because they just don’t enjoy exercising. Cycling round the park is nice in the summer, but it’s a bit bleak in January. Likewise, the gym is great at first, but the determination to go and make the most of it does wear off pretty quickly.
What people need is a new, fun way of exercising that will ultimately help them achieve their goals. This is where pilates can thrive.
Why is a pilates class good for you?
Pilates can have a range of health benefits and it is recognised by the NHS as a form of physiotherapy and fitness. The main aim of pilates is to strengthen the core muscles in the body. The routine of exercises help to work all the key muscle groups and will really help the deeper muscles that can’t just be strengthened through doing a few sit ups. It is especially good for the abdominals and also the back muscles.
Back pain is a common ailment that affects most people in their life at some point. The muscles around the spine are strengthened and the workouts also improve posture. This means that the back becomes less susceptible to further pain.
Pilates is also a great way of losing weight. Because it works so many different parts of the body at one time, it tones the muscles in a way that prevents muscular imbalance and helps to burn of the excess fat and calories. Muscular imbalance is a common cause of injuries.
Pilates is also pretty low-risk in terms of getting injured. The low impact exercises minimalise the chances of making an injury worse, or gaining one and this is why it is very popular as a method of rehabilitation for athletes or people that play a lot of sport.
What type of pilates classes are available?
Group Mat Classes
Mat pilates class are very popular. It is a more traditional form of pilates but has been modernised to include the use of equipment such as stretch bands, foam rollers and balls. All the basic routines are performed on a mat and are designed to improve balance, flexibility and core strength.
One-to-One Pilates Classes
One-to-one pilates classes can be a great way to start your experience if you have concerns about being “the new guy” and wanting to get yourself up to speed before you join a group class. It’s also great for people who are recovering from injury, especially complex injuries. The instructor can specifically design a workout that will rehabilitate the right areas of the body, without suffering from muscular imbalance which can in turn cause further injury.
Pregnancy Pilates Classes
Pilates classes are also very effective both before and after pregnancy. An antenatal pilates class is great for preparing the bodies for the rigours of childbirth – mainly labour. By strengthening the stomach muscles, back and pelvic pain is easier to withstand and the breathing techniques taught in a class help to prevent shortness of breath.
In a postnatal pilates class, it can have similar benefits. During labour, many women suffer from something called ‘diastasis recti’, which is the separation of the abdominal muscles. The basic pilates routines will gently help to build the strength back up. Many new mothers also suffer continuations of the pains they had during pregnancy, most commonly back pain. Pilates will help the spine rebuild and allow this to gradually ease.